Impasse In North

A chara, - Your Editorials have been consistently pro-unionist, most recently on April 19th

A chara, - Your Editorials have been consistently pro-unionist, most recently on April 19th. In supporting the unionist veto and the unionist leaders' demand for prior decommissioning and favouring the setting up of political institutions without Sinn Fein, you seem to think that you are taking a principled position and that you are defending the Good Friday Agreement. You most certainly are not because you are refusing to recognise the electoral mandate given to Sinn Fein, the votes of a sizeable section of the community living here.

When people vote for a particular party to represent them, nobody or no party has the right to disenfranchise the people by excluding the representatives of that party from positions they are of right entitled to hold. There can be no excuse or exceptions to this fundamental principle of democracy. Nor is it part of the Good Friday Agreement. - Is mise, Fr Joe McVeigh,

Springhill Close, Belfast 12.