Implications of the Judge Curtin case

Madam, - The Judge Curtin affair has exposed our adversarial system of justice as having little to do with equity but everything…

Madam, - The Judge Curtin affair has exposed our adversarial system of justice as having little to do with equity but everything to do with law.

If evidence can be set aside by a technicality and even rendered inadmissible in any subsequent proceedings, this is surely a recipe for miscarriage of justice.

Is it not time that we considered the introduction of a form of inquisitorial justice which would ensure that facts take precedence over such matters as technicalities or points of law which should have no part in the proceedings, other than in a plea by the defence for mitigation of a sentence? Not only would this restore confidence in justice; it would speed up its administration. - Yours, etc.,

GEOFFREY ROBINSON, Cullenswood, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.