In search of a government

Sir, – Given that Sinn Féin helped to bounce Fianna Fáil into potentially supporting a Fine Gael-led administration, will they be able to restrain themselves from attempting to drag down whatever minority government materialises at the end of this process?

In keeping with the cynicism of their political manoeuvring of recent weeks, may I suggest that it would be politically prudent of Sinn Féin to adopt a constructive approach in opposition for at least a couple of years, as Fianna Fáil become irrevocably bound to Fine Gael?

A happy side-effect of this would be that the country may end up with a reasonably stable government for a while, and be able to address some of the acute problems facing it. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 8.

Sir, – Is there any chance that George Mitchell could be persuaded to stay here for a few weeks? He would be very useful chairing negotiations for a five-year D’Hondt-style government, should Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael fail in their attempts to put an administration in place. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.