Incidence Of Homosexuality

Sir, - The incidence of homosexuality and lesbianism has been accepted by most authorities as constituting some two per cent …

Sir, - The incidence of homosexuality and lesbianism has been accepted by most authorities as constituting some two per cent of the human population (Kinsey Institute 1989). A section of a respected medium (Irish Times "E & L" April 22nd) offered, albeit unwittingly, credence to the assertion that the gay and lesbian attribute - leading to homosexual behaviour - extends to at least ten per cent of the student population and implicitly to the total population.

The importance of establishing the true incidence of this attribute has clearly assumed additional significance with the advent of AIDS, an admitted health hazard associated with this lifestyle.

The result of the acceptance of a five-fold estimate could lead, accordingly, to a correspondingly increased estimate of the rate of the dissemination of this fatal virus due to lifestyle. It needs to be stressed of course, that any stigma attaching to the attribute itself is to be condemned.

The communications media should accordingly refrain from portraying the gay and lesbian lifestyle as one practised by a significant proportion of the population. Statistically, only a proportion greater than some five per cent of the population in consideration is generally taken to be a significant proportion of the population. - Yours, etc.,


From Fergus Lyons

Orwell Road, Dublin 6.