Inflated charges

Sir, - There is grave concern that this country is about to shoot itself in the foot in allowing inflation to creep back in

Sir, - There is grave concern that this country is about to shoot itself in the foot in allowing inflation to creep back in. Prices are increased to what the market will bear without Government control. It is time the Government stepped in.

Today I attempted to purchase tickets from Ryanair. I was quoted a price which included all taxes. I quoted my credit card number and was then informed that that would cost £3 extra. When I refused to accept that and offered a cheque I was told that would be £2 extra.

This Government will not control inflation while it continues to allow surcharges such as the above, and unregulated price increases. As an aside, in a country where cash is conveyed under Army escort, do such practices encourage moves to a cashless society? - Yours, etc.,

Anne Durcan, Ballina, Co Mayo.