Inquiries into child abuse

Madam, - Please allow me to make the following clarifications to the report, "Child abuse inquiry set to end in 2008", by Mark…

Madam, - Please allow me to make the following clarifications to the report, "Child abuse inquiry set to end in 2008", by Mark Hennessy, (Oct 20th).

The hearings referred to, of the Investigation Committee of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, in fact took place in July 2004.

There is no reference to the Vatican in the committee's transcript of the relevant hearings. The committee did not show, as reported, that the Vatican carried out trials of Christian Brothers. In fact, the Vatican was never involved in any such trials and no evidence was offered to affirm anything to the contrary.

The committee and the relevant submissions to it made no reference to allegations of the rape of children in the context of abuse.


A careful reading of the submission, made in July, shows that no evidence was offered stating that 30 "canonical trials" took place. The evidence offered shows that incidents of abuse were investigated, some of which were referred to as "trials." For information, a "trial" was deemed to have taken place when a brother appeared in person before the General Council of the Congregation gathered to hear charges and a defence.

In the record of the 30 investigations referred to, the vast majority were dispensed, or advised to seek dispensation, from vows. As a result, very few brothers sought, or were required, to appear personally before the General Council.

The research shows that congregational authorities acted decisively in regard to allegations and accusations of the abuse of children which were made known to them. - Yours, etc.,

Brother EDMUND GARVEY, Director of Communications, Christian Brothers, North Circular Road, Dublin 7.