Ireland's role in peacekeeping

A Chara, - The drift of Rory Miller's article - "World needs peacekeepers..." (Feb 26th) was truly horrific.

A Chara, - The drift of Rory Miller's article - "World needs peacekeepers. . ." (Feb 26th) was truly horrific.

To refer to the US invasion and occupation of Iraq as a "massive peacekeeping and nation-building project" is the stuff of Orwellian nightmare.

Miller is urging the Irish Army - supposedly neutral - to take part in "overseas intervention". Yes, there are hundreds of Irish Army personnel in Afghanistan and Kosovo already, operating with Nato.

The shift from UN to Nato, the language-shift from "peacekeeping" to peacemaking" and "peace enforcement" - war being called peace - is very sinister.


Irish taxpayers are not being informed of these changes. The female half of the population has been virtually made invisible in the whole issue of peace/violence, which is strange considering what war does to civilians. Time to talk, negotiate, disarm.

Saying No to the Lisbon Treaty will "pause" the copperfastening of an EU/Nato army, and armies of neutral countries being used in imperial resource wars in Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. - Yours, etc,


Smithfield Market,

Dublin 7.