Irish doctor’s abortion story

Sir, – Dr Lara Kelly's personnel experience of travelling to England for a termination of her pregnancy is surely in itself a sufficient argument to call for an immediate referendum on repealing the Eight Amendment. ("My baby's remains in a cardboard box" – Irish GP's abortion story", July 30th)

How can any civilised society countenance such a forced traumatic journey on its most vulnerable citizens?

– Yours, etc,





Sir, – Dr Lara Kelly paints a heart-rending picture of her abortion in Liverpool of a baby with fatal foetal abnormalities. One must have sympathy for her plight.

However, there was no evidence that Dr Kelly’s own life was ever in danger due to her pregnancy. She also had the option of carrying the baby to birth. Whatever the eventual outcome, this option would have vindicated the baby’s right to life.

Taking the shortcut of abortion not only violates the baby’s right to life but there are many errors in medical predictions and babies can be aborted that could survive with love and care.

Deliberately terminating human lives because they are judged to be terminally ill is a most dangerous precedent with far-reaching implications.

– Yours, etc


Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.