Irish Water: Is 62% “an overwhelming yes” or “a clear rejection”?

Sir, – Last year, I was one of the 62 per cent of people who voted “yes” to same-sex marriage, a result which many in the media and politics described as “an overwhelming yes” and a “landslide victory”.

This year, I belong to one of the 62 per cent of households that have paid bills to Irish Water, a result which many (of the same people) in the media and politics describe as “a dead duck” and “a clear rejection by the Irish people”.

While it can be argued that comparing a referendum result with a compliance rate is like comparing apples with oranges, I believe it is still valid to consider the two polar opposite perceptions of the exact same number of people who have, in effect, issued their agreement to something by either payment or vote.

Shakespeare was on to something when he said: “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”


– Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – I will exercise my right to protest against hysteria and hypocrisy by paying my lawful Irish Water bill. – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.