Job Swap?

Sir, - I am convinced that we can solve two of our current problems by a simple change in appointments.

Sir, - I am convinced that we can solve two of our current problems by a simple change in appointments.

Mr Pat Whelan has, over a number of years, shown himself to be master of language in all its forms. He also appears to be a theologian and philospher of the first rank. He is one of the few people in the country able to explain the concept of "falling upwards" in relation to the Irish rugby team. His elevation to the position of Archbishop of Dublin would be welcomed by Irish rugby fans of all traditions.

The current Archbishop, Dr Desmond Connell, will probably face a more difficult task in the upcoming Five Nations Championship as manager of the Irish rugby team. It is vital, however, to have him in position before we play Italy in the new expanded Six Nations Championship in the year 2000. An Irish rugby team managed by Dr Desmond Connell would be a far more daunting prospect for the Italians than the sham of last Saturday week in Bologna. - Yours, etc.,

From J. A. Campbell


Blackrock, Co Dublin.