Judgment In Jamie Sinnott Case

A chara, - Some commentators have expressed worry about the possible implications for the Exchequer had the judgment in the case…

A chara, - Some commentators have expressed worry about the possible implications for the Exchequer had the judgment in the case of Mr Jamie Sinnott been upheld by the Supreme Court. May I offer a suggestion to enable the State to respect Pearse's dream of cherishing all equally while keeping a rein on public expenditure.

Currently, as part of its integration into the PfP-NATO military apparatus, Ireland is setting out on a massive programme of arms expenditure. As a first step, we are to purchase 80 armoured cars, each valued at over £1 million. By rough calculation this amounts to enough to pay a year's salary for several thousand full-time educators.

Why don't we cancel these orders for weapons of death and darkness, and put the money saved into providing the light of education and care for fellow-citizens such as Mr Sinnott? - Is mise,

David Barnwell, Serpentine Avenue, Dublin 4.