Junior Certificate assessment

Sir, – As a former teacher, principal and chief advising examiner in state examinations, I am aware of the issues and concerns pertaining to assessment at post-primary level. Nevertheless, I view the current Junior Certificate proposals as an excellent opportunity to improve the process of teaching and learning – subject to adequate resources being put in place.

At present most teachers have little or no experience of correcting scripts in state examinations.

Putting in place a system whereby all relevant teachers will be involved in continuous assessment of their students will raise standards in the areas of setting questions or tasks, devising marking schemes, correcting scripts as well as developing teacher collaboration. This can enhance the role of the teacher as a motivator and thereby positively contribute to the student-teacher relationship.

As far as resources are concerned, it will require time and money and certainly cannot be seen as a cost-cutting measure. Apart from teacher training, it will require a structure that includes adequate internal and external moderation, as well as an appeals system.


It provides an opportunity for teachers and schools to gain increased ownership of assessment. With this comes responsibility and accountability. I believe that it is time for our unions to take a positive step in that direction and trust teachers and schools to act responsibly. – Yours, etc,



Co Longford.