Junk mail and waste packaging

Sir, – Could we now have a levy on junk mail? At least it might pay for its disposal. We did it for plastic bags. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.


Sir, – Recent correspondence bemoans Government inaction in tackling excessive packaging of fruit and vegetables by supermarkets (June 29th).

Instead of expecting the Government to legislate for every aspect of our lives, your readers should perhaps take steps to rectify the situation themselves.

The solution is simple and far from onerous. Buy your fruit and vegetables from a greengrocer. No plastic bag for bananas, no boxed kiwis and no shrouded cucumbers.

It is, like a great many things in life, simple. Buy the unpacked products and the supermarkets will either catch on to what is required to make a sale or will, due to decreased demand, produce less packaging waste.

Do it for yourself. You do not need a law to reduce your dependence on packaging if you really want to do so. – Yours, etc,



Co Louth.