Kerry Airport

Sir, - The first signpost for Kerry Airport when driving from Waterville, a distance of approximately 90 km, is at Firies, just…

Sir, - The first signpost for Kerry Airport when driving from Waterville, a distance of approximately 90 km, is at Firies, just seven km away. Or is it five km away? The two sign posts are just 200 metres apart, yet the distances they show differ by two km.

But imagine the confusion of people driving from the airport into Firies, looking for Dingle. Within a quarter of a mile, there are four signposts for Dingle, showing the following distances: 29 km, 28 km, 33 miles and 55 km.

Accurate signposts for the airport would do two things: first, the obvious and second, advertise the fact that there is indeed an airport in Kerry, something about which almost all the tourists I meet are completely unaware.

Recently, I had a full and frank exchange of views with a check-in clerk at the airport who had made the unwise decision to berate a friend of mine for being late checking in - despite the fact that her plane back to London had yet to land at Kerry. As a result of our conversation, she remembered me from 12 months ago, when I had asked to see the manager about the lack of signs to the airport. I pointed out that nothing had changed but, typically, she blamed someone else for the airport's misfortune, in this case, Kerry County Council. But as the airport is a plc, it is not up to the council to pay for its road signs, any more than the council is responsible for paying for road signs to hotels. At £60 or so per sign, it would be a good investment for the airport management to make. And surely it should be possible for someone to organise a bus service from the airport to Killarney: not everyone is being met by friends or relatives, nor can everyone afford hire cars or taxis. If third world countries can manage buses to their airports, why can't we? Kerry Airport provides a great facility - it's just a shame finding it and getting there are so difficult. - Yours, etc.,


David Hare,

Caherdaniel, Co. Kerry.