Kevin Myers On BMW Drivers

Sir, - I find Kevin Myers's comments about BMW drivers (An Irishman's Diary, January 21st) totally preposterous

Sir, - I find Kevin Myers's comments about BMW drivers (An Irishman's Diary, January 21st) totally preposterous. As a BMW owner who waves on other motorists, slows down to let elderly pedestrians cross the road and acknowledges the kindness of other drivers, to be referred to as a "Bad, Mad Wannabe" is an insult to my intelligence.

Maybe, if I have the displeasure of meeting Mr Myers leaving a side road onto the main road on which I am travelling, I might suddenly succumb to the "personality disorder" to which he refers and speed up so as not to let him out! - Yours, etc.,

Huntersbrook, Delgany, Co Wicklow.