Killing Foxes

Sir, - It is great to see someone at last to take up the cause of us foxhunters, given the lopsided view of this topic given …

Sir, - It is great to see someone at last to take up the cause of us foxhunters, given the lopsided view of this topic given in the general media, namely that of misinformed "jackeens" and college dropouts, among others, who have nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon than to sabotage a foxhunt. I would add that the object of the hunt is not to kill the fox; it is to get a good "run" of a few miles with all the natural obstacles this entails. Therefore killing the fox quickly or at all defeats the purpose of foxhunting. My compliments to Kevin Myers and company. - Yours etc.,

Tom Hughes,

Claregalway, Co Galway.