Sir, - E. Menton (April 19th) argues that the recent actions of the Israeli state are not analogous to the Nazi Holocaust, in that the Israeli state is not seeking to annihilate the Palestinian people per se. On this basis, people should use more appropriate descriptions of Israel's actions.

I agree. However, the writer goes on to say that "Israel's policy is ultimately to find a way of living side by side with its Palestinian neighbours". Now, between seeking to find a way of coexisting in a just manner, and seeking the destruction of an ethnic group, lies a vast field of possible intentions, and it is here that I contend Israel's actions seem to be located.

Mr Sharon does not seek the liquidation of the Palestinian people, but neither does he appear to be seeking a just solution to the crisis. His method of eliminating the threat of terrorism seems to be to bomb the Palestinians into the stone age, where, it is hoped, they will find a terrorist campaign rather difficult to prosecute.


I suggest that the best points of comparison are with the French in Algeria and the American intervention in Indochina. There, strictly speaking, ethnic cleansing may not have been the aim, but in both cases widespread brutalising of the civilian population was practised, to render them incapable of supporting the guerrilas (consider the use of torture, area bombing of villages, and so on).

So let us be precise: Israel does not seem to be conducting a war of annihilation, rather a brutal post-colonial oppression. This is the issue which I suggest should be occupying our attention. -Yours, etc.

DONNCHADH O'CONAILL, Duisburgerstrasse, Berlin, Germany.

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Sir, - Should the governments of Western and Islamic countries alike not condemn specifically and unequivocally the terrorism carried out by Palestinian suicide bombers against Israeli civilians and the terrorism carried out by Israeli army personnel against Palestinian civilians? Not one or the other, but both at the same time.

The Irish government could take a lead in this respect. - Yours, etc.,

BRIAN GOLDEN, Walnut Park, Dublin 9.

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A chara, - Contrary to Dr Ivor Short's critical and condescending letter of April 17th, I found Eddie Holt's analysis of Israeli attitudes be quite salient (Weekend, April 13th). Is the tragic stream of violence in the region not evidence enough of the poisoned "hearts and minds" of some adherents of Islam and Judaism? In my opinion Mr Holt's articles are consistently well researched and balanced, particularly when he deals with foreign relations and/or geopolitics.

Keep up the good work, Mr Holt! - Is mise,

RONAN HEALY, Carysfort Downs, Blackrock, Co Dublin.