'Late Late' tribute to the GAA

Madam, – I concur with Gerry McEntee’s excellent letter of January 14th about last weekend’s Late Late Show

Madam, – I concur with Gerry McEntee’s excellent letter of January 14th about last weekend’s Late Late Show. Women have made an enormous contribution to the GAA in many ways on numerous levels. Clearly, Pat Kenny should leave this kind of programme to Jimmy Magee or Des Cahill.

One could only conclude that virtually no planning or research went into this totally chauvinist show. An opportunity missed. – Yours, etc,




Co Louth.

Madam, – With an audience packed with current and former GAA stars, both male and female, RTÉ chose to highlight six of its own presenters for interview. One of these, Eamon Dunphy, is certainly not a GAA person and should not have been part of the show.

I also wish to register my disgust with the portrayal of the Taoiseach and the references to female GAA players by a “comedian” who was an embarrassment to the viewing public. – Yours, etc,




Co Mayo.