Legacy of Pearse

Sir - Full marks to Cathal MacGabhann: his splendidly witty letter really cheered me up

Sir - Full marks to Cathal MacGabhann: his splendidly witty letter really cheered me up. He wrote, in a zany, sidesplittingly deadpan manner, of how the legacy of Pearse is, in fact, the Celtic Tiger.

The best part is where he hilariously ignores the fact that, for most of the time since independence, emigration was scandalously high, economic prosperity was virtually non-existent and the country was run by the Roman Catholic church!

Would you not consider giving Mr McGabhann a column of his own? Most of our best comic talent is exported so you must not miss this opportunity. Anyone who can write that we should be grateful for Pearse's "undemocratic sacrifice" is, surely, the new Flann O'Brien (or should that be John Waters?) - Yours, etc.

T. C. F. Doorley,




Co Cork.