Lessons in Clinton’s defeat for Eighth Amendment debate?

Sir, – Phelim McAleer's article "Repeal campaign making the same mistake as Hillary Clinton" (Opinion & Analysis, November 17th) states that the Repeal the Eighth campaign is making the same mistake as the Clinton presidential campaign and will lose as a result.

The actual data points out that Hillary Clinton won more votes than her opponent, and indeed more than any other presidential candidate in US electoral history, with the exception of Barack Obama.

In our referendum system, the votes for and against are counted, and the totals decide the outcome. Given this, I’m curious as to how “winning more votes” can be seen as a mistake in this context. – Yours, etc,



Stepaside, Dublin 18.

Sir, – Phelim McAleer’s argument rests on pointing out some limited common features between the Clinton and Repeal campaigns, while neglecting to engage in the nuanced substance of why Mrs Clinton’s campaign was unsuccessful.

The anti-establishment character of the US election and the Brexit vote actually bodes well for the Repeal campaign, which is attempting to overturn the status quo. – Yours, etc,


Ballinlough, Cork.