MacBride and the forests

Madam, - In his review of Elizabeth Keane's "comprehensive" biography of Seán MacBride (Books, December 8th) Ronan Keane does…

Madam, - In his review of Elizabeth Keane's "comprehensive" biography of Seán MacBride (Books, December 8th) Ronan Keane does not mention (or perhaps had no cause to notice) that the book gives no account of MacBride's contribution to the development of forestry in Ireland.

MacBride wrote the memorandum to government which led to the setting of a target of 10,000 hectares (25,000 acres) to be planted each year. That was in 1948. The target was finally reached in 1960 and has been maintained, with fluctuations, and greatly increased in recent decades. Meanwhile, private enterprise has largely taken over from State planting.

The fruits of the early plantings are now visible. It has been estimated that forest-based industries have so far given rise to about 16,000 jobs in rural areas and provincial towns. It has also been calculated that those industries contribute more than €1.65 billion annually to the Irish economy.

In a private letter in 1984 MacBride wrote: "I think I can say that I have been keenly interested in the whole question of the reafforestation of Ireland ever since my childhood days."


MacBride's other achievements are thoroughly laudable, but he must be credited as the first cause of a major indigenous and sustainable Irish industry. - Yours, etc,

NIALL O'CARROLL, Ballinrobe, Co Mayo.