Make way for Noddy

Sir, – An editorial about Roald Dahl (September 3rd)? What next? I'm jealous that you never published an editorial on the birth centenary of my heroine, Enid Blyton, in 1997. My earliest childhood memories are full of Noddy and Big Ears, then the Secret Seven and the Famous Five and finally in my early teens the Adventure series. There was a book series for all stages of childhood. Blyton's supposed racism and xenophobia simply reflected the spirit of the era in Britain, and her books have been suitably cleansed, so that now, not only is there no racism, but any hints of a homosexual relationship between Noddy and Big Ears have been purged. Perhaps in 2018 you will be good enough to publish an editorial on the 50th anniversary of her death. – Yours, etc,


Dalkey, Co Dublin.