Mary Robinson archive and public funding

Sir, – One important aspect of the foundation of the Mary Robinson Centre in Ballina which wasn't mentioned by either Diarmaid Ferriter ("Robinson's legacy doesn't need a vanity project in Mayo", October 22nd) or Peter Hynes, chief executive, Mayo County Council ("Robinson centre is an opportunity not a vanity piece," October 26th) is the competing demands for scarce public money.

In the context of Mayo, concurrently with the setting up of the Robinson archive and its funding from the State and county council, the fate of Westport House was an urgent issue.

The prospect of it passing from public to private ownership, due to lack of public funding, seemed almost inevitable.

Although it was removed from the National Asset Management Agency’s (Nama) portfolio earlier this year, it is unclear what its present status is.


This building, of huge historic interest, and its grounds have been a significant tourist attraction, vital to the economy of Westport, for decades. It is surprising therefore that its continuation as such would not be a priority for everyone involved.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.