Mass graves in Iraq

Madam, - Another mass grave has been found, full of the corpses of women and children slaughtered by Saddam Hussein in 1991

Madam, - Another mass grave has been found, full of the corpses of women and children slaughtered by Saddam Hussein in 1991. Human rights groups now estimate that up to 50,000 Kurds and 250,000 Shia muslims were massacred in the aftermath of the first Gulf War - by the man who invaded Iran and Kuwait, who defied the West and was trying to develop weapons of mass destruction.

Are there any remaining reasons why such a destructive, bloody dictator should not have been removed by direct action? "Not in my name," cry the anti-war protesters. "But perhaps in ours" might be the response of Saddam's victims in their desert graves. - Yours, etc.,


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