Metals cabinets on College Green

Sir, – The usual suspects are bemoaning the fact that a series of stainless steel cabinets have appeared on College Green, and elsewhere in Dublin (Home News, August 2nd).

Do they not realise these aesthetic installations are a modernist interpretation of Francis Wheatley’s painting in the National Gallery of Ireland, “Dublin Volunteers in College Green, November, 1779”?

The symbolism of the tight cluster of monochrome structures represents the timeless determination of our sturdy citizens to resist external interference from whatever quarter.

In time, residents and tourists will flock to the city centre to take selfies with them. Who knows, they may yet become known as “Steely McSteelface” in the parlance of true Dubs. – Yours, etc,



Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.

Sir, – Paddy Coyle (August 3rd) states the “College Green masterpieces will be fully appreciated by that well known group of art critics – the dogs in the street”. Scientists for years have known the chemical formula that causes rust on both metal cabinets and metal poles on the street. It is K9P. – Yours, etc,



Co Clare.