Michael Harding proves a tonic

Sir, – What is it about Michael Harding that stirs up our deepest feelings?

The way he can weave a confusion of disparate things into a story or situation that makes sense and rouses our senses to the beauty and goodness of ordinary life around us ("Notre Dame and the farmer who died by the light of the moon", Life, May 1st).

A few things highlighted for me in today’s article: our cathedrals and churches are living art galleries and museums worthy of a visit anytime. The church is still the best “go-to” for key events in our lives, no matter what we believe. We are not dead as long as memories of our good deeds are still in people’s minds. We have free access to natural things every day, we just need to appreciate the wonder of it all.

I realise that bad health can colour all of the above.


Those of us who can, get on a bus (with your free pass), bring a sandwich, buy a cup of tea and get out there to enjoy it all.

Thanks Michael! – Yours, etc,


Dublin 3.