Millennium Service

Sir, - The Church of Ireland deans of Dublin express dismay at a secular venue for a Millennium service (October 8th)

Sir, - The Church of Ireland deans of Dublin express dismay at a secular venue for a Millennium service (October 8th). They suggest that, because of the overwhelming numbers of Roman Catholics in the city, a large Roman Catholic Church should be designated for the event. How good it would be to witness these two influential men stick their neck out and suggest a truly ecumenical event in the national Cathedral of St Patrick, relayed to an overspill congregation in Christ Church, with the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin given central place.

Having written thus, I think I know why they haven't - the blockage over the Eucharist being one reason. Perhaps naivety is my problem. But those who share the creeds and so much else - for all our differences - could do with ringing out in unity at this unique moment the evangelistic bells of mission, in tune with the record-breaking new peal from Christ Church. A needy world requires this message.

If , in the circumstances, the tail would seem to be wagging the dog, it is just that the anomaly of the Church of Ireland holding guardianship of Dublin's two ancient cathedrals seems to call for an expansive gesture. - Yours etc.,

Rev Robert C. Hanna, St Columba's Church, Bindon Street, Ennis, Co Clare.