Mitigate not stop climate change

Sir, – I’m all for optimism but there seems to be too much of it being invested in Cop26.

There is no last chance to avert climate change; the stable door is open and the horse has bolted. Picking an arbitrary date in the future – whether it is 2026, 2030 or 2050 – is part of the problem; the debate should be about what wasn’t done yesterday, not what might be done tomorrow.

We need to pivot on the theme and focus of such gatherings and look at what can be done to mitigate the effects of climate change. Covid-19 couldn’t be avoided but the scientific cavalry rode to the rescue with vaccines that have allowed us to adapt and live with it; in the same way we need workable solutions that will allow us to carve a path forward on a warmer planet.

– Yours, etc,




Dublin 9.