Mobile Phone Masts

Sir, - In this region, when a phone company attempts to erect a cellnet transmitter mast in a populated area, there is an uproar…

Sir, - In this region, when a phone company attempts to erect a cellnet transmitter mast in a populated area, there is an uproar for reasons of proximity to housing. When the site is remote from population there is an equal uproar on aesthetic grounds. The people manning the barricades keep in touch with each other - by mobile phone, of course. In the State overall, there is a veritable frenzy of opposition to anything with the remotest hazard. In fact it can fairly be observed that the more remote the hazard the greater the concern. It is hardly surprising, then, that the cellnet companies, boxed into an impossible corner, should come up with the ingenious strategem of using mobile masts, (The Irish Times, June 18th). They are likely to continue in this vein until local populations are ready to make mature compromises. - Yours, etc.,

Noel Conlon, Bailieboro, Co Cavan.