Modern-day gnosticism

Madam, – it is very interesting to see Cyril Butler (July 3rd) refer to Richard Dawkins description of the Judaic/Christian …

Madam, – it is very interesting to see Cyril Butler (July 3rd) refer to Richard Dawkins description of the Judaic/Christian God as “accurate” when in fact Dawkins contends that this God does not exist at all.

I was also impressed that he knew the gender of the authors of the Bible because the actual identity of the canonical authors is unknown.

But it is with his presumption that uneducated men are incapable of defining or describing a moral life that I take exception.

This modern-day gnosticism is the new tool of oppression and is an intolerance of a person’s right to their own beliefs.


His support for consequentialist morality raises the spectre of exactly who is going to decide on whether or not an action is “good”.

The real danger here is the replacing of the old tyranny of clericalism with a new tyranny of scientific gnosticism. – Yours, etc,


Ardmore Park,


Co Wicklow