More assistance for TDs

Madam, - Reports that our TDs are to get personal assistants to do research work at a cost of €6

Madam, - Reports that our TDs are to get personal assistants to do research work at a cost of €6.6 million euro annually are appalling.

Surely this money would be much better spent on health or on our old age pensions.

What would these people be doing when you consider the Dáil will have only sat for a total of 95 days this year, passed only 24 pieces of legislation and 10 amendments to existing legislation also that every time there is a complex issue facing the country a commission is appointed to do a report.The taxpayer is paying far to much as it is to our TDs and senators, with TDs earning €82,000 and senators on €57,000 annually.

One TD and one senator claimed €90,000 each in expenses last year.


We have far too many TDs and the Seanad should be abolished as it serves no useful function for the country. - Yours, etc.,


Warrenhouse Road,

Dublin 13.