MS Readathon prizes

Sir, – Like many children, my 10-year-old daughter is participating in the MS Readathon and will receive sponsorship for same. I am a big fan of anything that encourages children to read, while at the same time educates them about being charitable. However, it is both disappointing and discombobulating that there are such generous “prizes and gifts” for children who raise a certain amount.

Children can receive “gifts” such as a silicon watch, a pencil case, headphones (although these items are sponsored). Indeed if you raise oodles of cash, you are entered into a draw for one of 20 iPads, and the school can “win” €2,500 worth of books.

Let’s face it, if you were a youngster and were able to squeeze a quick tenner from your Auntie Gobnait and your Uncle Micky, or indeed anyone near you with an open wallet, you’d be well on your way for your “iPad raffle ticket”. But are the prizes necessary? Why does all the money not go to MS Ireland?

In my day (which wasn’t that long ago), there were no big rewards for taking part in such things, you simply collected the money, did whatever activity you were taking part in, and were ebullient and unencumbered about doing so. Rewarding children for taking part in a charitable act doesn’t sit right with me, and I think it completely gives out the wrong message to children, which is a pity.


– Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.