Muhammad and Mammon in Dubai and Ireland

Madam, - Philip Watson's piece on Dubai (March 25th) tells us of greed and exploitation.

Madam, - Philip Watson's piece on Dubai (March 25th) tells us of greed and exploitation.

He tells us the "relentless striving for money, property and possessions renders it vulgar and soulless.

The god here often seems more Mammon than Muhammad. There is no real culture as such, just one consumer opportunity after another. It's like living in Liffey Valley shopping centre."

Alas, it was not necessary for Philip to travel half way around the world to experience such vulgarity.


Under the stewardship of sybarites, we have become the epitome of the cultureless, soulless state.

When it comes to worshipping at the altar of Mammon, we now have no peers.

At least in Dubai they care for their sick and elderly. - Yours, etc,

JIM O'SULLIVAN, Rathedmond, Sligo.