Need to reform family courts

Madam, - Family law cases are often adjourned, part-heard or re-entered and can last for years

Madam, - Family law cases are often adjourned, part-heard or re-entered and can last for years. There is no guarantee that the same judge will stay with a particular case throughout.

How can this lack of judicial continuity be in children's best interest, which is supposed to be paramount?

I welcome the call made last weekend by Mr Justice John Gillen, head of family law in Northern Ireland, for radical change in the family law system (The Irish Times, October 16th). His recommendations of "one family, one judge" consistency and of specially trained judges working with a team of specialist, trained professionals, with early intervention and parenting support strategies, are more likely to secure the best outcome for families than the inadequate and secret Irish family courts.

Now that a senior judge has acknowledged what Parental Equality has demanded for years, perhaps the Minister for Justice will seek justice for children and families by implementing the required changes in the family courts. - Yours, etc,


LIAM Ó GÓGÁIN, Chairman, Parental Equality, Dundalk, Co Louth.