Neglect of local government

Madam, - The thoughtful, welcome and infuriatingly accurate comments by Frank McDonald on local government (Opinion, May 26th…

Madam, - The thoughtful, welcome and infuriatingly accurate comments by Frank McDonald on local government (Opinion, May 26th) were in marked contrast to the article by Dan O'Brien (March 3rd) from the incredibly named Economist Intelligence Unit.

The so-called Department of the Environment, in particular since Mr Martin Cullen has taken over, is not just unwilling to reform our antiquated system but is actively dismantling the limited powers local government once held.

The forthcoming local elections should give an opportunity for a real debate on this issue. Sadly, that is being sidelined in favour of the usual fixation on opinion polls or on whose son or daughter will inherit the family seat.

Thankfully The Irish Times at least is paying some attention to this issue. Apart from the travesty that passes for local government in this country, we have the complete failure by the highly subsidised public broadcasting service, RTÉ, to treat the issue in any sort of serious fashion. - Yours, etc.,


Cllr DERMOT LACEY, Beech Hill Drive, Donnybrook, Dublin 4.