New Year Resolution

Sir, - I think that we need to be challenged to think through our learned Christmas behaviours

Sir, - I think that we need to be challenged to think through our learned Christmas behaviours. Why do we give all those gifts - often things that other people neither need nor want? Why do we over-indulge children and build up debts? Are we ever glad to have eaten and taken drink to such excess that we regret those lunatic days?

Are there other ways to be happy, to celebrate and not have a bad taste in our mouths afterwards? Of course there are.

I have decided to change. Next year I shall give a cheque to the charity of my choice. To family and friends I'll give little handcrafted gifts or tokens costing under £5. I'll warn them of my plan well in advance. They can decide what they want to do. So you are warned! I'm officially off the treadmill. Will you join me? - Yours, etc.,

Angela MacNamara, Lower Kilmacud Rd., Dublin 14.