Nice Treaty Referendum

Sir, - Although I believe the Treaty of Nice should have been more ambitious, I will be urging the Irish electorate to support…

Sir, - Although I believe the Treaty of Nice should have been more ambitious, I will be urging the Irish electorate to support it overwhelmingly in the referendum on June 7th. To do otherwise would send a very negative signal to applicant countries that have struggled long and hard to make the transition from living under communist-controlled dictatorships to enjoy the same economic and political freedoms we often take for granted.

Many of the citizens of these countries already feel that we don't really want them. Failure to ratify the Nice Treaty would confirm their worst fears and strengthen reactionary political forces in their respective countries.

I passionately support enlargement. I have no time for those in our country who oppose it for selfish reasons. Having availed of the benefits of membership, how can anyone justify pulling the ladder up behind us and denying other countries the same opportunities? We have a moral obligation to help the countries of Central and Eastern Europe successfully complete the transition to free market economies enjoying fundamental political and economic rights.

By ratifying the Treaty of Nice, the Irish people will be supporting the creation of an even larger part of Europe at peace with itself and contributing to a peaceful world order. - Yours, etc.,


John Cushnahan, Fine Gael MEP for Munster, Cecil Street, Limerick.