Off-licences and teenage drinking

Madam, - Your Editorial of May 27th states that the National Off-Licence Association campaigned successfully against the proposal…

Madam, - Your Editorial of May 27th states that the National Off-Licence Association campaigned successfully against the proposal by the Minister for Justice to label all alcoholic products with the name of the retailer. In fact, the only reason representations were made to Mr McDowell was that the proposed labelling initiative was seriously flawed and had not been properly assessed in consultation with the retail trade, who deal with these problems on a day-to-day basis.

Undeniably, one of the major issues in relation to underage drinking is that of secondary purchasing - the purchase of alcohol by an adult for the consumption by a minor. Identity labels will not solve this problem as they will not indicate the true source from which the alcohol was acquired.

Furthermore, the proposal ignores the fact that many underage drinkers acquire alcohol from their own homes with or without their parents' consent. Again, identity labels will do nothing to indicate the true source of alcohol in such circumstances.

The National Off-Licence Association, and its 300 members, are firmly committed to the responsible sale of alcohol. We are more than pleased to co-operate with initiatives which are constructive and workable and which can make a real impression on dealing with alcohol abuse. But we are not prepared to co-operate with the implementation of measures which we know will be ineffective and which can ultimately damage the reputation of our members.


We are actively working with the Department of Justice to achieve the desired effect of the labelling legislation in a practical and effective way. - Yours, etc.,

JOHN SHIEL, Chairman, National Off-Licence Association, Sandford Road, Dublin 6.