On the right track with satnav?

Madam, – Micheal Cullen’s musings on where we would be without satnav (December 23rd) reminded me of several incidents that …

Madam, – Micheal Cullen’s musings on where we would be without satnav (December 23rd) reminded me of several incidents that occurred at the hands of one such device during a three-month posting to Minneapolis.

After three months of right-side driving in the company of Miss Mechanised, insisting in a school-perfectly homogenised, culturally-bastardised way that I should be proceeding to her “highlighted route”, precipice or brick-building not withstanding, and bleating, repeating, entreating, imploring me to turn across three lanes of oncoming traffic, I found myself re-evaluating older ways of navigating. – Yours, etc,


