Once-off housing in Wicklow

Madam, - I am alarmed to read that Wicklow County Council has voted to give once-off housing "precedence over environmental concerns…

Madam, - I am alarmed to read that Wicklow County Council has voted to give once-off housing "precedence over environmental concerns" (Nov 2nd). Councillors voted to retain an amendment giving one-off housing precedence "over all other planning considerations with the exception of public health and traffic".

In the case of major developments, environmental impact studies have to be carried out; if, for example, a small snail (which may indeed be of great value within an eco-system) is affected, the scheme may have to be dropped.

Although once-off housing in rural areas does not require such studies, unrestricted development of this type could have a devastating effect. Surely "the Garden of Ireland" deserves better protection than this?

Are concerns of beauty and visual amenity no longer to be considered?


In the past, planning regulations in Wicklow have been applied very strictly and undoubtedly unwise decisions were sometimes made.

There have been instances where houses could have been easily integrated into the landscape but permissions were refused and design restrictions imposed almost arbitrarily.

I can imagine this has left a backlog of anger.

Isn't there a danger now that we could throw the baby out with the bathwater? - Yours, etc.,

SALLY PHALAN, Enniskerry, Co Wicklow.