One island with one future?

Sir, – Fintan O'Toole's article about the Border ("Must we go back to bordering on the absurd?", Opinion & Analysis, November 14th) uses the expression "our island" when in fact the territory of the island of Ireland is shared between Ireland and the United Kingdom.To some that fact is a relief and to others it is a source of great tribulation.The Belfast Agreement is an international treaty and leaves room for a vote in a change of national jurisdiction.

Should that vote ever take place, I believe it should not be a case of one side joining the other, but both sides coming together in a shared Ireland.

I am of the opinion that if the people of Northern Ireland ever wish to join the Irish Republic then a brand new national entity of Ireland should result with a new political system reflecting the new political interests and a brand-new flag and anthem for a country reborn, with shared values and traditions, and working together as one. Written in the hope of peace! – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.