Paying for college points

Madam, - Your correspondent Jack Ó Lógáin (March 21st), comments unfavourably on "grind schools".

Madam, - Your correspondent Jack Ó Lógáin (March 21st), comments unfavourably on "grind schools".

Some years ago, our daughter attended such an establishment at her request for her final year in secondary school.

She achieved very good Leaving Certificate results.

More importantly, she was given confidence in her academic ability and has now progressed academically at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in college.


Back in her original school she had been told to forget about going to college.

I recall a teacher telling me, when I questioned this approach, that "we have to say things like that to them".

I believe that this would not have been an isolated opinion.

There certainly is inequity in access to education, but there are times when "needs must"! - Yours, etc,

JOHN O'SHEA, Maryborough Ave, Douglas, Cork.