Payments to the Taoiseach

Madam, - Speaking in December 1996, Bertie Ahern, then Leader of the Opposition, told the Dáil: "The public are entitled to have…

Madam, - Speaking in December 1996, Bertie Ahern, then Leader of the Opposition, told the Dáil: "The public are entitled to have an absolute guarantee of the financial probity and integrity of their elected representatives, their officials and above all of Ministers. They need to know they are under financial obligations to nobody."

Isn't it high time that the Taoiseach applied this same standard to himself, and clarified fully the extent of the payments he has received?

Given the damage that the Fianna Fáil party has inflicted on trust in public office over the past 20 years, he owes us nothing less. - Yours, etc,

BARRY WALSH, Brookfield Hall,  Castletroy, Limerick.|


Madam, - The Taoiseach tells us that donations made by friends to him while he was Minister for Finance is none of our business.

No doubt these donations were made, without any strings attached, in the interests of democracy, which is so beloved of builders and big businessmen. - Yours, etc,

BRIAN McCAFFREY, Clifton Crescent, Galway.

Madam, - Could I avail of your Letters page to ask whether there is any benefactor who might want to pay off some of my bills, mostly legal fees? I regret that my Communion money has run out, my Confirmation money is spent and my next birthday is so far away.

Any little present would give me such a lift. - Yours, etc,

TED FLEMING, Department of Adult and Community Education, NUI Maynooth, Co Kildare.