Pensions Devalued

Sir, - While the country seems to be going along quite nicely at the present time there are ominous signs that a change is on…

Sir, - While the country seems to be going along quite nicely at the present time there are ominous signs that a change is on the way. A lot of the blame for this is attributable to the Government itself telling us it has so much money it doesn't know what to do with it. Now it will soon know what to do with £40 million or £50 million of it, when it pays out on recent awards, and this is only the beginning of the begrudgery battle ahead, not to mention the derisory army deafness claims by soldiers, most of whom never fired a shot in anger.

This would be all very fine if the rising tides raised all boats. Unfortunately, the poor get poorer, most of them precluded from augmenting their measly incomes. On top of the pile is the old aged pensioner, his back now bent from years of honest toil, left far behind by the computer age and depending, by and large, on government generosity. They have no Bill of Rights, they cannot march on Government Buildings, nor have they the power or clout to disrupt the administrative affairs of the State. Releasing large amounts of money into the economy through whatever pressure is bound to devalue fixed pensions. If the teachers feel aggrieved, how do you think OAPs should feel?

Think about it! - Is mise, Christopher McGuinn

Friars Hill, Galway.