Perspectives on world news

Madam, - As a Clareman who has lived, on and off, for several decades on this island, I was delighted but not surprised by the…

Madam, - As a Clareman who has lived, on and off, for several decades on this island, I was delighted but not surprised by the letter from Marc Guernon (August 14th). Debate, dispute and the free expression of considered opinion are the lifeblood of democracy and, while I do not like giving praise, especially where it is due, the editorial page of your newspaper has no equal.

Most of my newspaper-reading cronies, after a cursory glance at the front page, turn immediately to the editorial or sports pages where it is a rare day that one does not find something to laugh, splutter or cogitate about. I include the result of last Sunday's hurling match at Croke Park where Kilkenny, the hounds, dismissed a far better team.

I realise, Madam, that from your lofty perch a Letters Editor is but a humble toiler, but surely you will be able to find him a room with a small window in your new offices in Tara Street. - Yours, etc,

ARTHUR BOLAND, Cecilia Street,  Dublin 2.