Proposed reburial of Thomas Kent

Sir, – John A Murphy (June 25th) regards the archaeological "dig" to locate the remains of Thomas Kent who was executed in 1916 in Collins Barracks, Cork, with a view to reburial, as an ill-conceived and undignified project. Prof Murphy suggests such action is another manifestation of morbid, self-indulgent nationalist propensity. If the interment of Thomas Kent in the grounds of Victoria Barracks followed consultation with and agreement of the Kent family, I would be respectful of that decision, but this is not the case.

Following the execution in Mountjoy prison of Kevin Barry in 1920, his mother made application for the remains of her son’s body to be handed over for burial in the family plot. In reply the office of the lord lieutenant of Ireland stated that under Section 6 of the 1864 Capital Punishment Act, it was regretted that the request could not be complied with. This section of the Act stated that persons executed in prison must be buried within the grounds of the prison.

Should the exhumation and subsequent DNA-testing be successful, Thomas Kent’s remains will be buried, with the dignity and honour he and his family were denied in 1916, in the family vault in Castlelyons, Co Cork. His remains deserve to be laid to final rest amongst those of his family and friends, not in a grave chosen by his executioners. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6W.