Prospects of a stable Iraq

Madam, - Who are "the Iraqi people"? Was Iraq not simply a creation, carved out of the Mesopotamian part of the Ottoman Empire…

Madam, - Who are "the Iraqi people"? Was Iraq not simply a creation, carved out of the Mesopotamian part of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the first World War by British politicians?

In truth, Iraq was never an homogenous nation state, and was held together only by the efforts of dictators, such as General Kassim or Saddam Hussein. There really is no such entity as "the Iraqi people".

Iraq today resembles a cross between Afghanistan under Soviet Russian occupation, and Yugoslavia after the fall of Tito. As such it will possibly disintegrate into its constituent parts, namely Kurdistan, a Sunni state and a Shi'ite state, once the "calamitous coalition" disengages.

So, what the Great Powers have put together, the indigenous peoples of Mesopotamia will put asunder! - Yours, etc.,


PAT BURKE, Rathsallagh Avenue, Shankill, Co Dublin.