Protecting journalists' sources

Madam, - The current situation in this country with regard to the rights of journalists to protect their sources of information…

Madam, - The current situation in this country with regard to the rights of journalists to protect their sources of information is absolutely disgraceful.

It is undermining the limited opportunities available to investigative journalists to acquire information that would be of public interest.

No informant, unless he is a brainless idiot, will pass on information of any value if there is the slightest chance his name will be disclosed.

Such a situation could result in loss of employment or, worse still, put the informant's life in danger as well as the lives of his wife and family. No person who has the remotest respect for the basic tenets of democracy could or should object to a journalist having the right to protect every source of information available to him.


Any person who brings to notice the misdeeds, criminal or otherwise, of persons in positions of power, influence or authority should automatically be entitled to a guarantee of total confidentiality. Otherwise how else are abusers of their positions of power or authority to be brought to justice for their misdeeds?

There was a time when the members of all police forces throughout the Western world had the inalienable right to protect their sources of information, but sadly this is no longer the case. Why it was deemed necessary to change what was not only a perfectly sensible but highly desirable and beneficial policy is beyond my comprehension.

One cannot help but wonder whether or not there are people in positions of power who have a vested interest in ensuring that no such right will be entertained. Have we learned nothing at all from the appalling abuse of little children so recently disclosed, that has been going on secretly not just all over the world, but here in holy, Christian Ireland for so many years? Whatever happened to honesty, common decency and self-respect?

Democracy? Equality? Christianity? Bunkum!

Happy Christmas and New Year, everyone. - Yours, etc.,

W.G.A. SCOTT, Friars Hill, Wicklow.