Public service decentralisation

Madam, - Billy Kelleher TD (May 26th) tells your readers that "decentralisation has been welcomed by public officials and elected…

Madam, - Billy Kelleher TD (May 26th) tells your readers that "decentralisation has been welcomed by public officials and elected representatives of all hues domiciled outside the M50". Apparently the views of the public servants affected by it do not count - their publicly expressed opposition doesn't even get a mention in Mr Kelleher's letter, as if only the views of elected representatives from outside Dublin should figure in deciding the fate of our public servants.

State agency employees have made their feelings on this subject more than clear and I respectfully suggest that Mr Kelleher has "more than a little work to do" on his listening skills. - Yours, etc,

L. O'REILLY, Downpatrick Road, Dublin 12.