Pylons In Cork Harbour

Sir, - Congratulations are due to all the entrants and winners in the ESB Environmental Photography Awards, some of whose outstanding…

Sir, - Congratulations are due to all the entrants and winners in the ESB Environmental Photography Awards, some of whose outstanding pictures appeared in your Weekend section (January 24th).The ESB has provided a prize fund for this competition of over £10,000 to encourage development of environmental photography and to "raise public awareness about the unique and fragile beauty of our surroundings".Why then does the ESB choose to ignore these self-same sentiments with its on-going despoliation of our surroundings here in Cork Harbour where it plans to erect a 15-mile stretch of 220KV electricity pylons, each 160 feet high, right across the beautiful inlet from Aghada to Rafeen?The harbour area is already littered with ESB poles and pylons and one farmer alone has 60 pylons on his farm.

All efforts to get the ESB to place the new lines underground or underwater have met with an arrogant refusal. - Yours, etc.,Derry Chambers,Cork Environmental Alliance,Princes Street,Cork.